Feeding a Baby Bird
After evaluating the situation to which the baby bird was found and if it requires intervention- chances are, if the bird is healthy, it will need to be fed. For many of us, the idea of leaving a baby bird to their own devices is unthinkable. It’s important to remember that some of the birds will not enjoy human contact and attempt to wiggle or fly free.
Most birds require feeding from Sunrise to 2 hours after Sundown. This ensures they are receiving optimal nutrition. Sick or injured birds may need more tender love and care and require feeding later into the evening. However, birds do need to rest so that their stomachs and crops can completely empty.
Each bird species requires different sources of nutrients. Check within this website for the correct feeding instructions. If you are confused or need clarification on identifying a species or feeding requirements, please reach out to us via Facebook messenger or join the group.
Scroll down to see the style of feedings Below!
DO NOT attempt to put water in a bird’s mouth.
Baby birds are able to get all the necessary hydration from moist fruit or food you provide. Baby Doves and pigeons (non gapers) will get the water requirements met by mixing formula with water and or unflavored Pedialyte. Birds like mynahs, bulbuls, and other gapers will get hydration from the fruit you provide in the food.
Unflavored Pedialyte can be added to their formula or food if a bird looks sickly or is going downhill.
Birds can easily aspirate. Birds have openings under their tongue leading to their airways, which is why it is advisable to not put water in their mouths.
Feeding Styles
Non Gapers
Birds that are fed by feeding out of their parents beaks are known as non-gapers. They do not open their mouth to be fed.
Common Examples of gaper birds are: